
It’s hard to know where to start in writing this. Lisa has completely changed my life in more ways than I could have imagined. I will be forever grateful! I have already recommended her to many people. I woke up with back pain every day between the ages of 17 to 41 as a result of what I now know is childhood trauma. I have had two disc herniations, 1 at 18 and the second just before I started 1:1 sessions with Lisa. Lisa has always gently guided me through the therapy process, which has taken about a year. When I started with Lisa I had never shared with anyone apart from my siblings what happened during my childhood. It has been a path of huge self discovery and probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I have always felt that Lisa was there fully for me in sessions and easily contactable outside sessions. Lisa has helped me to understand my trauma and the effects it has had on me. She has taught me to feel emotions, to feel safe in expressing them, to set boundaries, to sense and calm my body and nervous system using many techniques, and most importantly, to be able to recover on my own after times of stress. I feel like a different person, I feel strong and empowered and now feel that I can continue this journey without as much support as I have needed over the last year. The pain and discomfort I felt is no longer there most of the time and when it is i know why it’s there and that I have control. It’s just my body’s way of communicating with me and now I understand it!


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I only wish I could find the words to fully express my gratitude for Lisa and the service she provides, without exaggeration it has been my lifeline. Lisa’s professionalism, wisdom, warmth, generosity and intuitive presence is the greatest gift on what has been a very challenging journey. Her calm, non judgemental nature is a soothing balm to the soul and the nervous system. Lisa not only has a wealth of wisdom in her work with the nervous system but also has a way of sharing this information in such a digestible and compassionate way. Lisa creates such a safe space in her sessions and her warm and generous heart continues to support beyond the sessions. I really don’t have the words to fully express how much she has helped me and how incredibly blessed and grateful I feel to have found her on my journey. Thank you Lisa xxx


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I came to Lisa specifically looking for Somatic Experiencing (SE) therapy as I believe that complex trauma issues are the root cause of my chronic pain and other health issues. The first thing that struck me in my initial chat with Lisa was just how friendly, warm and down-to-earth she is: she put me at ease, and her depth of knowledge, compassion and understanding shone through. I very much feel that I work WITH her, not like I am being therapized, which I think is a very important dynamic to foster in any therapeutic relationship, as ultimately no one can heal you, they can only guide you to your own healing. I would highly recommend Lisa to anyone who has chronic pain, or indeed any persistent health issues of any kind. During the time I have been working with Lisa I have been through some incredibly challenging times (on top of my past traumas), and she has been / is amazing at supporting and guiding me through. SE is a powerful therapeutic modality that an get to the actual core of the underlying issues that create the chronic dis-ease many people experience. I am still on my healing journey (a lifetime of trauma doesn't resolve overnight!), but I have already experienced some incredible insights through working with Lisa, and know I am finally (after years of trying countless therapies & therapists) going in the right direction. In addition to SE, Lisa is also a qualified EFT therapist. I have to admit that I was very sceptical about EFT at first, but I have now been converted by my own experience with it, and find it to be a hugely effective tool. And as EFT / tapping is something that you can easily learn to do for yourself, and can be adapted for almost any issues you experience in life, it's fantastic to have something that is free to use as and whenever you want / need it!


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Lisa has a brilliant understanding of how it feels to not feel okay, she also has an extraordinary capacity for empathy and a deeply insightful way of explaining what the body is experiencing in times of deep trauma. As a result, I carried her wisdom and explanations with me into my daily life, and hopefully will continue to do so. Finding Lisa was like finding a port in a storm and I so grateful to have made the connection.


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I first met Lisa a few months after having been diagnosed with CRPS. Her kind and calm manner and her vast knowledge of pain was so helpful to me when I was completely overwhelmed by my diagnosis and was feeling absolutely lost. I started with 121 sessions and quickly learned techniques to help me manage my chronic pain. I joined the online course for persistent pain and worked through the modules whilst away on a 3 week residential physical rehabilitation course. Being able to access the content when and how I wanted was so incredibly useful and comforting - it was like having a 24/7 personal guide at my disposal.


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I had been suffering from back pain following an acute injury and surgery and this then developed into an acute-on-chronic presentation. I had a lot of negativity and resentment towards it. Despite a degree of scepticism, the work with Lisa was really impactful and remarkable. Her approach on normalising my pain, acknowledging it as well the emotions I carried in regard to it were freeing and made my relationship with my pain better as well as my actual symptoms. I’m very grateful.


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I found Lisa online just at the right time when services shut down due to the pandemic. I came searching for support with back pain and found her to have a wealth of knowledge as well as being very compassionate and willing to go that extra mile. I have availed of a variety of her services including specialist workshops, online classes and 1-1 and continue to use her support. I would like to highlight that her knowledge and resource toolbox goes beyond the traditional physiotherapist approach which has shown me how there are many factors to healing pain, particularly her knowledge of the impact of trauma. I can sincerely recommend her services.


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It was really good to have Lisa with me on my journey after leaving work with burnout. She gave me the confidence to believe in myself more and to accept myself and where I was at, and gave me tools to learn how to regulate my nervous system. She has a lovely kind empathic energy, and I always felt very safe, held and supported by her.


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I came to Lisa wanting support to deepen my somatic experiencing practice. I wasn't in pain, was more looking for mentoring support with my own somatic work as a practitioner and as a human being! I learned from Lisa how to take things a lot more easily, to slow down, and really pay attention to how I am feeling and experiencing the story I'm telling. Not only this but I've experienced first hand the power of having a loving, safe, friendly witness to do this work with. Thanks Lisa!


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I found out about Lisa not long before the March 2020 lockdown and started 1-1 sessions with her online in April 2020 to help manage persistent ankle pain. It was such a relief to be listened to not only about the ankle pain itself but about my feelings around it and all other pain I've experienced for 20+ years. I started off with exercises for the ankle then we moved on to the overall nervous system impacts on pain. Learning to listen to my body and accept what is happening has been invaluable. Lisa is patient and understanding and we are safely working through some interesting layers via the body! One of the things I especially like is that I can now do a lot of the work myself in between sessions. I'll leave the review with a statement I made later on in 2020 "Pain has become so much less important in my life


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Lisa is highly effective at helping you move through problems somatically, she knows exactly what the situation is, where you are at and how you can begin to move through the different stages of trauma and heal. Her words of encouragement, advice and obvious expertise have helped me process out once difficult experiences.


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I have been getting treatment from Lisa for management of my chronic migraines for the past few months. I noticed improvements in how I manage the pain, discomfort and associated anxiety surrounding a migraine event within my first few session and that has only continued to improve. As a patient and a Physiotherapist, I could not recommend her services and expertise enough


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I cannot recommend Lisa highly enough! I had a knee injury from running which wasn't getting any better despite trying physio, after 5 months of struggling a friend recommended seeing Lisa. She really listened to me and took the time to understand what the real root of the issue was and I finally can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you Lisa!!


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Went to Lisa with back problems which made it extremely difficult to walk. She explained what was happening, what I should do to treat it and why that would work. I'm now as good as I've ever been. Extremely professional and empathic, I'll definitely be back should I need a physio again


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I have had pelvic pain for about 1.5 years but I rarely have pain anymore! My sessions with Lisa have allowed me to sit in calm, fear and shame without avoiding these feelings. I have never been able to do this and it made me feel really empowered. I felt safe with Lisa and that she understood what was happening to me on a moment to moment basis.


Classes, Workshops & Courses

Five stars do not do her justice. The group relaxation for chronic pain session actually made me feel in control of my pain for the first time in almost a decade. THANK YOU!


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This online course is a super resource to keep you on track with your nervous system which affects all areas of life not just pain. There is a great variety of techniques and different ways to learn (demos, slides and handout resources). The content is well explained and made simple and interesting. I love the graphics too! Despite having attended Lisa's other courses and having 1-1 sessions I got some new insights on this online course and it's great all the materials are mine to use again and again. The handouts are especially useful to refer to as have my own specific notes. I enjoy the monthly community meet ups for sharing experiences as it helps me also remember how far I've come and how much I know. It's also great for keeping me focussed on nourishing activities.


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Thank you so so much to the wonderful @lisaryanphysio for the brilliant workshop webinar on Pain Management, this evening. I will most definitely be integrating some Vagus Nerve Regulation Exercises into my classes. For any Yoga/Pilates teachers, healthcare professionals or general health/well-being enthusiasts, this workshop is fascinating in relation to pain management, the vagus nerve and it’s regulation and trauma-sensitive healing. Lisa is a trauma-trained Physiotherapist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and is just brilliant.


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Lisa's relaxation classes are a wonderful way to experience & learn some alternative methods to relax and unwind. If you have struggled with the more traditional meditation methods (which I have!), it really can be eye opening to find new ways to release tension in the mind & body. It's also a great way to get a taste of what Lisa does in her 1-1 sessions.


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I'm really enjoying Lisa's Online Relaxation Class for Chronic Pain.  They have been immediately beneficial in helping me accept and understand the persistent pain I experience and the exercises are easy to understand and possible to do on your own.  I think it's actually been an advantage that they ended up online as I think I am more likely to practice at home because I learnt the exercises in my own home.  So it's not something you just do in another setting and forget when you get home!  It's also easier to adapt the exercises (as Lisa encourages us to) as we require for our bodies and to make any movements or sounds we need to. We are all ready for bed when we finish !  Looking forward to continuing them and learning more at the 2 hour workshop too. Thanks Lisa.


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I have been to two of Lisa's online relaxation and mediation classes, both of which were brilliant! The tools she uses in class are really simple to follow and not overwhelming for a beginner. Lisa is very professional and is willing to answer any questions before and after! Looking forward to my next class.


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I completed Lisa's Online relaxation class for chronic pain last week and found it really relaxing! During this challenging time it was exactly what I needed to really relax and take some time for myself. I found the class had a lovely personal touch and I was so much more comfortable in my own home. Lisa is extremely knowledgeable and encourages everyone to take the class at there own pace. It is easy to repeat the techniques learned throughout the week as well which is great! Thanks for a fantastic session Lisa!


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I found Lisa on Instagram and did her understanding pain workshop. The online course was great. She is very professional, patient and is willing to explain things to all levels and is really happy that you ask questions. You can provide as much or as little interaction in the workshop as you feel comfortable with - there is no pressure. I have since taken part in a relaxation class online. The exercises are clearly explained and and very very relaxing. I can’t recommend Lisa highly enough. If you suffer from pain, you should definitely check out her website and then get in touch with her. Thanks Lisa


Live talks and events

Lisa delivered a pain education class to a group of injured military personnel. The delivery of information was excellent and encouraged a lot of engagement from the audience. Information was clear, well delivered and highly thought provoking. Feedback from participants included having a better understanding of their conditions, how to deal with pain going forwards and confidence in their ability to manage their condition. Of those who attended the talk, 3 out of 4 have returned to work and are no longer downgraded. We would be extremely fortunate to have Lisa delivering pain education to our personnel in the future.

Talk given to military personnel in Cyprus (Ministry of Defence)

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Lisa's workshop was incredibly enlightening. She very clearly explained the connection between our nervous system, our past experiences and the way we deal with stress and anxiety. She has a lovely clear, calm and supportive manner and was so keen to listen to and support each of us individually. She modelled and suggested some very helpful exercises. It was a great taster session and I would recommend Lisa's workshop and courses to everyone.


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I attended a workshop with Lisa whilst on a Rising Women Retreat in Cyprus. Lisa managed to turn my thinking around pain on its head thus helping diminish my discomfort. Lisa is incredible. She is empathetic, engaging and extremely professional. I found her to be incredibly easy to communicate with and to understand. Thank you Lisa for giving me so much to think about. I will definitely be in touch to organise a 1:1.


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Lisa was able to furnish us with an engaging presentation on physiotherapy and pain. She presented well to a crowd that were completely unfamiliar with the subject matter and even got them up and moving!

Talk given to employees of Caledonia Brewery in Edinburgh (Heineken UK Limited)